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Michigan’s Best and Brightest in Wellness Announced

August 31, 2016

101 Best and Brightest in Wellness

Contact: Jennifer Kluge (586) 393-8800

Event to Honor Winners Slated for October 20, 2016

August 31, 2016 – Warren, MI – Companies that are making their workplaces, their employees and the community a healthier place to live and work will be celebrated at the annual Michigan’s Best and Brightest in Wellness® event. The Best and Brightest in Wellness® awards program is the premier program that honors companies and organizations that recognizes and celebrates quality and excellence in health and wellness.

The winning companies will be honored at the most prestigious symposium and awards gala on October 20, 2016 at The Henry Autograph Collection Hotel in Dearborn. The Best and Brightest in Wellness® winners were evaluated by using an assessment, created and administered by SynBella, the nation’s leading wellness provider.

The event starts at 7:00 am with registration, breakfast, exhibit gallery, and a Corporate Wellness Urban Farming Project by Hantz Farms. The interactive morning will also include an Interactive Morning Wake-up Zumba workout or Barre Fitness session followed by Onsite Wellness Demos on meditation and total body conditioning. The educational sessions will include Best Practice in Wellness Winner Presentation and The Pillars of Wellness: The Link between Financial Wellness and Mental Health. The keynote address will be presented by Peter Nielson of Peter’s Principles who is a renowned national speaker, author and fitness expert.

Michigan’s Best and Brightest in Wellness® event is co-presented by the Michigan Business and Professional Association, Michigan Food and Beverage Association and Corp! magazine. Sponsors for the event include Blue Cross Blue Shield of MI, WWJ NewsRadio 950, Marsh & McLennan Agency | Michigan, Quicken Loans, SynBella, DTE Energy, Beaumont Health, the Hantz Group, National Diagnostic Services, Ulliance, Verii, Michigan Wellness Council and the MEDC.

Admission for the awards celebration and symposium is $125 for members and $135 for non members. Tables for 10 are $1,100 for members and $1,200 for non members. If you are interested in attending, sponsoring, advertising or exhibiting at the conference contact the Michigan Business and Professional Association at 866-321-1822 or visit

The Best and Brightest in Wellness® celebrates those companies that are making their businesses healthy, the lives of their employees better and the community a healthier to place to live. The Best and Brightest program provides yearlong education, benchmarking, assessment tools and interaction amongst the best employers throughout Michigan.

Best and Brightest in Wellness® 2016 Winners

Altair Engineering
Applied Imaging
Altarum Institute
Argent Group
Bank of Ann Arbor
Beaumont Health
Bell’s Brewery, Inc. br/>BizStream
Borgress Health
Brooks Kushman PC
Catholic Federal Credit Union
Center for inancial Planning
Comfort Research
Consumers Credit Union
Crown Motors
Crum & orster
Custom Profile
Diplomat Pharmacy
Easter Seals Michigan
Edwards arment Co
ELGA Credit Union
Express Employment Professionals
Farbman Group
First ational ank of Michigan
Gill Industries Inc.
Great Expressions Dental Centers
Hastings Mutual Insurance ompany
Henry Ford Health System
Herman Miller Inc.
ImageSoft, Inc.
International ancard
Kenwal Steel Corp.
KIRCO Management Services, LLC
Lacks Enterprises, Inc.
Lambert, Edwards & Associates
Magna International
Mary Free Bed Rehabilitation Hospital
MB Financial Bank
McKinley, Inc.
Metro Health
MidMichigan ealth
MSU Federal Credit Union
Novi Police and Fire Department
Oakland County
OHM dvisors
Peckham, Inc.
Quicken Loans
Ramco Gershenson
Schupan & Sons, Inc.
Secure-24, LLC
Southwest ichigan irst
SpartanNash Company
The Ideal Group, Inc.
The Weight Watchers roup, Inc.
Trendway Corporation
Uniform Color Company
United Way of Southwest Michigan
Urban Science
Yeo & Yeo CPAs and Business Consultants

Wellness Providers to Corporations
Action Benefits
Arthur J. Gallagher & Co.
Austin enefits Group
Cambridge Consulting Group
Edify North
Kapnick Insurance Group
Marsh & cLennan Agency | Michigan
Health & Benefits Team
Olive Seed
OnSite Wellness

Wellness Providers to Individuals
Awaken Yoga Studio
Critical Signal Technologies, your Link to Life
Elite Body Training Studio
Fraser Eye Care
HealthQuest Physical Therapy & Medical
Heartfulness Institute
The Tough Gym

Faith-Based and Schools
Aijalon Baptist Church
Bennett Elementary – etroit Public Schools
Chapel Hill Ministry
Christian Tabernacle Church
Cornerstone Health + echnology
High School
Family Victory Fellowship Church
Fellowship Chapel
Flowery Mount aptist
Historic Little Rock Baptist Church
Historic Motor City Baptist Church
Holy Cross Missionary aptist Church
Jefferson Elementary
Kadesh Missionary
Keith Elementary School
Martin Luther ing, Jr. Senior High School
Metro Detroit Coalition Of Labor
Union Women
New Haven High chool
Rhonda Walker Foundation
Roosevelt Primary – West Bloomfield Hills
School District
Smith Chapel AME
The Color of Autism
Third New Hope Baptist hurch
True Rock Church
Y Detroit Innovation Academy

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